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Elections in Carinthia

The outcome of the elections in Carinthia last weekend attracted attention all over Europe. The governing rightwing populist FPK and their governor Dörfler were punished by the voters.

The joy about the political landslide is particularly strong among the Carinthian Slovenes. In the past decades, the minorities and their leading representatives had to ward off many hostilities and attacks. Time and again FUEN expressed its solidarity with its member organisation Council of the Carinthian Slovenes / Narodni Svet Koroških Slovencev (NSKS), and spoke out against the minority policy in Carinthia.

“With the regional election, Carinthia finally abandoned the brown mantle of the past decades and carried the political heritage of Jörg Haider to the grave. The land itself and the Slovenian minority can breathe again and work on the important issues of the future”, said the deputy chairman of NSKS, Nanti Olip, in reaction to the results.

The regional elections led to a clear victory of SPÖ (Social-Democrats). The party of Peter Kaiser, who as the next governor will lead the government in Carinthia, achieved 37% (+8%). For the successors of the rightwing populist Jörg Haider the results are a bitter defeat. The FPK party of Governor Gerhard Dörfler, who governed until now, lost 28 percent. It now has about 17% of the votes.

FUEN is very satisfied with the election results and FUEN Vice-President Martha Stocker says: “We see the results as a chance for a new beginning. Instead of obstructing minority protection, adhering to outdated positions and thwarting the needs and rights of the Carinthian Slovenes, Carinthia should now become an example for good minority policy in Europe. We will offer our cooperation to the new government of the land and to the new governor”, according to FUEN Vice-President Martha Stocker, who comes from South Tyrol.